Siddha System of Medicine

The Siddha System of Medicine (Traditional Tamil System of medicine), which has been prevalent in the ancient Tamil land, is the foremost of all other medical systems in the world. Its origin goes back to B.C 10,000 to B.C 4,000. As per the textual and archeological evidences which indicate the remote antiquity of the Dravidian civilization of the erstwhile submerged land Kumarikandam, that is the Lemuria continent situated in the Indian Ocean.

Siddha is a Tamil word derived from "siddhi" -- attaining perfection in life or heavenly bliss.The system is said to have emerged in antiquity, from the highly evolved consciousness of the Siddhars. It is believed that there was a line of 18 siddhars, with Agasthya being the foremost and a large portion of Siddha lore is credited to him. With time, this oral tradition was transcribed on palm leaf manuscripts that now serve as the major repository of the knowledge.

Siddha system of medicine prevailed even before Ramayana:
Agasthiyar (Agastya) was the topmost. He is regarded as the originator of the Siddha medicine and also of the Tamil language. He occupies the same position as Hippocrates in modern western medicine. In the period of Ramayana he has settled in the South. Thus origin of every tradition in the South, including language and culture, is traced back to Agastya.

Its origin is also traced to mythological sources belonging to the Shiva tradition. According to the tradition, Lord Shiva conveyed the knowledge of medicine to his wife Parvati. The knowledge was passed from her to Nandi and finally it was given to the Siddhas through Lord Muruga.

Materia Medica:
Drugs used by the Siddhars can be classified into three groups: Thaavaram (herbal product), Thaathu (inorganic substances), and Jangamam (animal products).

Unique diagnostic methodology:
The diagnostic methodology in Siddha treatment is unique as it is made purely on the basis of the clinical acumen of the physician. The pulse, skin, tongue, complexion, speech, eye, stools and urine are examined. This approach is collectively known as "Eight types of examination"; and among the eight, the examination of pulse is very important in confirming the diagnosis.

Concept of Siddha treatment:
Treatment consists of three distinct categories: Deva Maruthuvam, (divine method); Maanida Maruthuvam (rational method); and Asura Maruthuvam (surgical method). In the divine method, medicines like parpam, chenduram, guru, kuligai prepared from mercury, sulphur and pashanams are used. In the rational method, medicines prepared from herbs like churanam, kudineer, vadagam are used. In surgical method, incision, excision, heat application, bloodletting, leech application etc. are practised.

Concept of the seven elements of a human body:

According to the Siddha medicine various psychological and physiological functions of the body are attributed to the combination of seven elements: first is saram (plasma) responsible for growth, development and nourishment; second is cheneer (blood) responsible for nourishing muscles, imparting colour and improving intellect; the third is ooun (muscle) responsible for shape of the body; fourth iskollzuppu (fatty tissue) responsible for oil balance and lubricating joints; fifth is enbu (bone) responsible for body structure and posture and movement; sixth is moolai (nerve) responsible for strength; and the last is sukila (semen) responsible for reproduction. Like in Ayurveda, in Siddha medicine also the physiological components of the human beings are classified as Vatha (air), Pitha (fire) and Kapha (earth and water).

Classification of Siddha Medicines:
Siddha medicines may be roughly divided into three classes--- (i) Miracle medicines, (ii) Sophisticated medicines and (iii) Common medicines. Miracle medicines are becoming rare and should be learnt directly from the masters who, having undergone all forms of initiation and hazards of apprenticeship, have reached perfection in all respects. Sophisticated medicines may be scientifically prepared and used by the well trained physicians without much risk. Common medicines are most simple and cheap ones which were in wide use till the beginning of the 20th century and are still in use in remote rural areas of our country.

Practice of Siddha:
The sacred medicines and techniques were taught only to a close circle of disciples and this trend continued to exist till recently. The system is believed to be developed by 18 Siddhas in the south called siddhar. The Siddhars wrote their knowledge in palm leaf manuscripts, fragments of which were found in different parts of South India. To a large extent these manuscripts are available at Saraswathi Mahal Library of Thanjavur. Most of the practicing Siddha medical practitioners are traditionally trained usually in families and also by different gurus (teachers). Usually they hide it as traditional secret and transfer only to the next generation.

The 18 Siddhars:                            Jeevasamadhi location 
 1. Sri Pathanjali Siddhar -   Rameshwaram
2. Sri Agasthiar Siddhar -    Ananthasayanam 
3. Sri Kamalamuni Siddhar - Thiruvarur
4. Sri Thirumoolar Siddhar  -  Chidambaram 
5. Sri Kuthambai Siddhar    -  Alagarmalai 
6. Sri Korakkar Siddhar -Thirukonamalai,Srilanka
7. Sri Thanvandri Siddhar - Vaitheeswaram koil
8. Sri Sundaranandar Siddhar - Madurai 
9. Sri Konganar Siddhar - Tirupati 
10. Sri Sattamuni Siddhar - Chirkali 
11. Sri Vanmeegar Siddhar - Ettukudi 
12. Sri Ramadevar Siddhar - Alagamalai 
13. Sri Nandeeswarar Siddhar - Varanasi 
14. Sri Edaikkadar Siddhar - Arunachalam 
15. Sri Machamuni Siddhar - Tiruparankundram 
16. Sri Karuvoorar Siddhar - Thirukalathi 
17. Sri Bogar Siddhar - Palani 
18. Sri Pambatti Siddhar - Tirumuthukundram

Brief Description of Siddha Treatments available in our clinic:
(Based on rational method…with sophisticated herbal formulations)
1) Samana / Pootchu: This technique is comparable with Sirodhara of Ayurveda. Drop by drop, the herbal suspension will be administered at the targeted site towards the treatment of the following: Hair loss, Hair fall, regrowth of hair on baldhead, paralysis, deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism etc.

2) Mardhana / Ennai: Medicated oils are applied at target sites towards the treatment of the following: Joint pains, spinal problems, skin diseases, colour improvement, hair loss, hair fall, paralysis etc.

3) Lepana / Kattu: Siddha texts like 'Varma kannadi' and 'Varma Suthiram' have described 108 vital points, which are located on vital junctions of arteries and veins joints etc. and are called Varmanilaigal.Also we have 123 adangal points. For the purpose of treatment, Siddha physicians give pressure by specialized technique on these points to cure ailments. The pressure is applied by utilizing coins. This coins treatment is a specialized Siddha technique based on Acupressure. So strictly speaking, this is a combination of Siddha and Acupressure therapy. This treatment was started initially in Bangalore and so it got the name "Bangalore based- coins therapy”. This is applied to treat: All pains, Joint pains, spinal problems, BP, Diabetes, Gastric problem, Paralysis, Weight loss etc.