Frequently Asked Questions

What is the speciality in Siddha system of medicine?
According to Siddha system, the human body is composed of 96 Tatwas and 13,000 nerves. Besides these, there are 12 Main Nadis, 10 Vayu (vital pranas) and 10 Vengangal (natural functions). All of them play important roles in different functions of the body and the human body is liable to 4448 different diseases towards which medicinal plants in India has got the ability to wipe them away. In this treatment, Siddha physician makes use of 12 types of medicated oils and five methods of application.

Varmam points are anatomical sites situated at 108 different locations on the human body which are interconnected by nadis numbering 72,000. A Marma/Varmam point is ideally located in those regions of body which are richly supplied with nerves and are sensitive to stimuli like pressure and touch. Physically, marma/varmam point locations are where tendons, bones, muscles, joints, veins, nerves and other tissues meet anatomically. Energetically, marmas are extremely subtle points where the physical and divine energetic realms intersect in the human body. They are where vata, pitta and kapha doshas come together. Marma/Varmam points are located along these Nadis, so that when they are activated, they clear any stagnation of prana and immediately bring healing to that organ or that part of the body. Marmas/Varmams literally are the control points where prana can enter inside the body.

Varmams (Marmas) are energy points in the body mainly located on the skin and adjacent tissue. According to Siddha sages, the human body is merely electric.The energy that flows through these channels is focused in certain areas of the body.  There are 108 of these Varmas where energy is focused.  Disruption of energy flow in these Nadi and Varmas can lead to illness.

Siddha texts like 'Varma kannadi' and 'Varma Suthiram' have described 108 vital points, which are located on vital junctions of arteries and veins joints etc. and are called Varmanilaigal. For the purpose of treatment, Siddha physicians give pressure by specialized technique on these points to cure ailments.

Siddha manuscript by name "Varma vilvisai" has described that human body has got a total of 8000 varmam points. Another manuscript by name "Kumbamuni narambarai" has described 251 points, however "Varma chinthamani" mentioned that there are 823 varmam points. But Divya clinic follows the basic 108 varmam points chart as per "Varma kannadi" and "Varma beerangi" manuscripts.

Few Varmam points are located at specific junctions where vayu energy merges with nadi energy. Any imbalance in this merging will create few types of diseases. In Divya clinic we have prepared our own chart to link the diseases with such imbalances due to which few diseases can be handled very well at Nadi and Vayu level itself while giving the Varmam therapy.

What is the science behind "coins" treatment?
This coins treatment as described above is a specialized Siddha technique based on Acupressure. So strictly speaking, this is a  Siddha based Acupressure therapy. This treatment was started initially in Bangalore and so it got the name "Bangalore based- coins therapy".

Difference between Ayurveda and Siddha
Siddha is one of the oldest system of medicine practiced in India. This system was developed in the state of Tamil Nadu in India. It is supposed to have been conceived by the Siddhas or evolved souls (numbering 18) who lived in the past. The word 'Siddha' comes from 'Siddhi' which means an object to be attained or perfection of heavenly bliss.

Siddhas or Siddhars were great doctors of medicine, philosophers, men with deep knowledge of anatomy and chemistry and savants noted for their wide travel, simple living and high thinking. The Siddhas have their own manuscripts or basic works, written in secret code. Some of the  treasured treatises on medicine are poems in palm leaf manuscripts (which are now preserved by Govt. of India in digital form). They were the pioneers in the use of metals and minerals in the treatment of diseases.

The systems of Siddha and Ayurveda are very much similar. In both systems, the basis of treatment is the three element theory or 'tridosha' (three humours). The three humours are Vatha (air), Pitta (heat) and Kapha (phlegm). It is believed that without these humours an individual cannot exist and imbalance of these may cause diseases. There are number of medicines common to both Siddha and Ayurveda. In both systems medicines are prescribed to set right the imbalance in the three life factors.

In Siddha, diseases are diagnosed mainly with the help of signs and symptoms of diseases. Other factors that help to diagnose diseases are touch, examining the pulse, tongue, colour, speech, eyes, faeces and urine.

The difference appears to be that the siddha medicine recognizes predominance of vata, pitta and kapha in childhood, adulthood and old age respectively, whereas in ayurveda it is totally reversed: kapam is dominant in childhood, vata in old age and pitham in adults.

There are many categories of preparations in siddha medicine. Several herbs are common to ayurveda and siddha, although there are drastic differences in procedures and ingredients.

It is said that Ayurveda shows inclination towards administering preparations in dry condition in majority of the cases while Siddha shows inclination towards wet condition.

Varmam therapy is a unique Siddha technique due to which Siddha got separate recognization from Ayurveda. Varmam therapy takes support from other associated methods like thokkanam.

Varmam therapy can be done with or without oils,  with or without diet restrictions, with or without coins, with or without internal medicines. Varmam therapy is totally based on the doctor who is treating you.

Each doctor practises varmam in his own way based on the above available options.

If varmam is damaged you still have chance to get relief based on adangals, thadavals, thiruvakols and/or internal / external medicines.